
Men envy the cigarette
pressed between her muted lips.
Her body speaks every language
breasts high
two peaches in the tree
most men want to climb. 
Skin smooth as the
glossy pages of a magazine.

She is the yardstick
real women stand against
the ideal measure of beauty.
She infects other women with insecurity.

She is the cure for Ethiopia
spreading anorexia to devour starvation.

Ageless as a vampire,
sucking wallets dry
in the latest scheme
to stay young.

She is paper and plastic
music and electricity
she is air-brushed perfection.

(She does not exist.)


I know that there are women as beautiful as the ones we see in the media, but what we see in magazines and on television, in movies, is a fantasy. Models and actors don't look that way when they roll our of bed. 

Personally, I have pretty much accepted myself for what I am and don't strive for perfection the way some women (and men) do. 

It was a thrill to meet you at The Mint. The whole night was brilliant (except for waiting an hour in the rain to get in.) 

TI85 was unexpectedly great! And GOTR was phenomenal. I have been a fan of yours for a couple of years, but now I am also a fan of Sullivan. You have much to be proud of in him. 

I sent my book to Steve, and he replied that he forwarded it to you. I know you are busy, so I will wait patiently for you to get back to me. 

A few days ago someone left a comment on one of the Cameos I posted on Youtube. I thought you might like to see it. 

yvonnehenke54638 wrote: Dear Danna, thank you for sharing this poem. And thank you for James reading it. With his talk about how he coped with his father you both gave comfort and a new perspective on the sickness of my father

Thank you, James.  


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