
Showing posts from March, 2023


Men envy the cigarette pressed between her muted lips. Her body speaks every language breasts high two peaches in the tree most men want to climb.  Skin smooth as the glossy pages of a magazine. She is the yardstick real women stand against the ideal measure of beauty. She infects other women with insecurity. She is the cure for Ethiopia spreading anorexia to devour starvation. Ageless as a vampire, sucking wallets dry in the latest scheme to stay young. She is paper and plastic music and electricity she is air-brushed perfection. (She does not exist.) _________________________________________________ I know that there are women as beautiful as the ones we see in the media, but what we see in magazines and on television, in movies, is a fantasy. Models and actors don't look that way when they roll our of bed.  Personally, I have pretty much accepted myself for what I am and don't strive for perfection the way some women (and men) do.  It was a thrill to meet you at The Mi...