
Independent eyes
would not share a color.

One holds an ocean of blues
colder and deeper
than the Mississippi Delta at dusk
she drowns in insecurity.

The other stares
gray as the Alaskan tundra at dawn
furious as a newborn blizzard.

Mismatched as her gaze
are her moods 
at times quiet and cloudy
with self-doubt.
Other times
volcanic with resentment. 

She feels bleached-out by the sun.
(She longs to see the sun rise in the west.)

She envies the moon.
(She pretends it’s a pearl around her neck.)

She walks the cusp
of daybreak and twilight,
with their long, tangles of shadows.

Spinning in her contrary orbit,
she can’t see 
that she is the brightest point
on the horizon.


Venus is both the morning and the evening star, so I felt that it was a fitting metaphor for heterochromia. It is also the only planet that spins counterclockwise in its orbit.

Sorry to hear that you contracted Covid while you were in Europe. I am very happy that you are feeling better. 


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