I Will Evaporate

I Will Evaporate

I will lose all semblance
evaporate into clouds
billow through the skies
weep down into the oceans
I will surf their tides.

I will ride dolphin tails
attend concerts of whales
sunbathe on top of seas
rise on golden rays
travel with the wind for days
I will crystallize.

I will sprinkle as
jeweled beads of dew
sink into soil; filter through...

Flow within aquifers
transpire with trees
rest on their tender leaves.

I will spill over Niagara for fun
greet the morning sun
refract its spectrum.

I will feel the tickle
of a water bug
cradle salamander eggs
creep up the stems water of lilies
be a drink for bumble bees.

I will winter on mountains
melt with the springs
help deserts bloom
visit jungle, rain forest and beach.
Minute, millennium
second and century
will all be the same to me.

I will dissipate
I will condense
I will run with salmon
dance with thunder
rock with hurricanes
roll with waves
soar to the heavens
swim through seas
swirl with tornadoes
sail on the breeze.


Note: I wrote this for my youngest son, Graham, when he was in second grade and studying the water cycle - hence the bad rhyme. 

I wanted to send you something light, since every poem I've sent you so far has been pretty heavy, but I was also kind of thinking about how the human body is about 60% water, and how water is eternal... so maybe I don't know how to write a light poem. 

Funny Story: I ran into a friend at the grocery store, and she asked what I got for my birthday. I told her about the Air Supply concert, and that I had ordered a Cameo from you, and a man overheard us, and he said, "James Marsters! Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? He's on there?" 

I replied yes, and he said, "My wife and I love Buffy, and Spike is my favorite character in the whole series." 

"Mine too!" I exclaimed, excited to have met someone else who understands how cool Spike is. 

He said, "My favorite is season seven when he's draped over that cross."

Then he asked how much a Cameo from you cost. I told him, and he said, "Now I know what I'm gonna get my wife for Christmas!" as he walked on down the grocery aisle, all happy. 

My friend chuckled and said, "You just made his day." 


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