I was out with friends drowning my heartache when he walked into a redneck bar wearing a tuxedo and I laughed. I’d had a drink or five too many feeling very bold I strode up to him ran my finger down his silky lapel and asked “Why a tuxedo?” “I just came from a bowling banquet” he said in all seriousness as if that made perfect sense. “Do you wanna to dance?” Sliding together on a crowded dance floor me in my white cotton dress someone asked if were just married he told them yes gave me a kiss left me breathless. Then he said “My girlfriend dumped me tonight. Come back to my place help me forget her?” Too inebriated to find better judgment I followed him out the door and by moonlight sampled expectation sprinkled with desire too luscious to savor or dunk in illusion impatient fervor somatic fusion hot breath on cool skin temporary collusion. But we were both hung up on other people using each other as Band-Aids for broken hearts. Six months of lust was all we had with no lies false exp...