Lonesome Delta
The last Cameo I ordered only played once. I contacted Cameo about it, but I guess they could not fix it, so they offered me a redo. Now, I know that being an actor, you are used to repeating lines, but I really liked what you said, and don't want you to try and recreate it, so I am sending a different poem. Someone gave me hoodoo as a writing prompt, and this is what I came up with. It is written phonetically, or at least I tried. I confess that I am not an expert on dialects of the deep South. I heard you say in an interview that you can do a deep Southern accent? I wanted to give you something you could use that accent with, if it's not too much to ask? And, yes, "muddy waters" is a hat tip to Muddy Waters. Lonesome Delta When she call de snakes dey come from all directions. She dry dey skins on da roof a da shed crush dem to a powda to hoodoo people. She keep her mojo nexta her skin. In it she got a pair a wishin’ beans, a rabbit foot, an’ de namesa her...